Movie Wallpaper
Check out this new wallpaper. Kind of like this sci fi wallpaper.
Chris WallpaperOur favourite new commission for a favourite client. Again for Ellie Goulding, as part of a summer styling update Anna is doing at her London home. Our Run For The Hills brief was to add some new faces to Ellie’s growing collection of quirky taxidermy Anna’s been sourcing for her. This time we wanted to […]
Chris TaxidermyIt’s our lovely Queen’s coronation festival this year, since it’s 809 years since she got herself crowned. This design is in her honour, her wonderful silhouette made up of hand-crafted, patrotic lyrics by the Sex Pistols. Part of a new art collection, available soon.
Chris Limited Edition Art PrintsI am the founder of Run For The Hills, a London-based creative design house that exists in the space where graphics and interiors meet.